On 27, 28 and 29 March, an international conference was held in the city of Punta Arenas, in the deep south of Chile. The conference ttled "LATEST TECHNOLOGIES IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS" was organized by TCPAVEMENTS in conjunction with the INSTITUTE OF CEMENT AND CONCRETE and the MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CHILE. The seminar was attended by over 120 professionals from different areas. Among the speakers were the prominent civil engineer of the University of Illinois and director of ISCP Jeff Roessler, and engineer and PHD from the University of Minnesota Dr. Lev Khazanovic.
We made a technical visit to the recently built Ruta 7, Cerro Castillo - Laguna Verde project. ...
In September, a technical visit was made to the section of the international route between ...
In the month of May 2019, there was a technical visit to the pavement of a brewing ...