For years, the technology of short slabs has been spreading in the Republic of Peru with various projects of different types. In 2018, its participation is celebrated with two outstanding projects in the industrial sector as well as in the urban sector.
The first, corresponding to an industrial urbanization of 110,000 m2 of paved surface in 15 cm thick with slabs of optimized geometry in the city of Lima, built by the company AplicaPeru.
The second, of equal importance, corresponds to the paving of an avenue in the city of Piura called "Avenida Sanchez Cerro", 14 cm thick with slabs of optimized geometry, built by the company COSAPI. This pavement was designed for more than 20,000,000 ESALS in 20 years.
We made a technical visit to the recently built Ruta 7, Cerro Castillo - Laguna Verde project. ...
In September, a technical visit was made to the section of the international route between ...
In the month of May 2019, there was a technical visit to the pavement of a brewing ...