Prices for TCP technology (Prices without Local Taxes)
The price per m2 is charged once the project designed with the TCP® technology is built.
The pre-designs for each project are evaluated for free by the TCPavements team in the countries with subsisting patent.
The method to design concrete pavements with slabs with optimized geometry is patented and therefore its use is subject to payment of a royalty. This royalty is calculated based on the paved area and the price per m2 depends on the thickness of the pavement, varying if this includes fiber or not.
In case that a concrete pavement designed by a traditional method is going to be redesigned with cuts in the slabs to use the advantages of the TCP design method, a fee of US$ 0,7 must be payed to TCPavements.
In the case of countries without subsisting patent, TCP will charge an hourly rate for the design of the Pavements.
There are concrete companies that offer special products that may have included the royalty cost on the price of concrete.
Design Drawings
If a project is going to be built, it is possible to ask TCPavements to make a design plan of the geometry of the concrete slabs and constructive details of the project. This plane is for reference and should be reviewed by the company that builds the pavement. Delivery time is up to 5 business days.