Frequent questions
Which are the main variables to design with OptiPave2?
The main variables are traffic, soil quality and location of the project.
Which are the differences in variables between OptiPave2 and a traditional design method?
This design method considers more variables in a more refined way, so that this method is more accurate and can design thinner concrete pavements.
Which soil antecedents are necessary to ask for a design report?
In most cases, the best is to have a full soil mechanics report, but sometimes it's enough to know what kind of soil has the project.
How is curling included to the OptiPave2 design method?
It is included in relation to the area of the project as a temperature differential in °C or °F.
Which are the slabs dimensions that the software is able to design?
OptiPave2 allows to design concrete slabs within 3.2 and 8.2 inches.
How accurate is this software?
OptiPave2 is highly accurate calculating Thin Concrete Pavements, since its calculations are based on large series of finite elements runs to iterate the results. In addition, these calculations have been calibrated by different tests in Chile and Illinois, United States.
It is possible to design optimized concrete slabs with any other design method?
No, this software is the only one able to design optimized concrete slabs. The short slabs system and it benefits are patented, so any design with short slabs that is designed with any other method, would be transgressing the TCP patent.